Author: Maroondah Singers

Home / Maroondah Singers

Christmas Concert 2 December 2024

The Christmas Concert on December 2 at Federation Estate, Ringwood, was a great success with a full house attending. Vocal Scholar , Tessa McKenna, sang beautifully and we farewelled her as out vocal scholar for 2024. She has been a great performer with the choir in 2024. Thanks also to soloist Nadia Magliardi from the...

June 25 Concert Federation Estate Ringwood

June 25 Concert Federation Estate Ringwood

Our June Concert, held at the Federation Square in Ringwood, was a great success. The program was titled This is the Time for Music and included a number of new pieces , such as Esta es el Tiempo and A Million Dreams, To the Hills and the Vales. Once again we had our guests artists:...

John Atwell With Special Guests The Maroondah Singers

John Atwell With Special Guests The Maroondah Singers

On Sunday 12 March, the Maroondah Singers took part in a concert with Dr John Atwell, our choir accompanist, and a theatre organ performer with a national and international reputation for his fine performances. The concert was at the Kingston Town Hall and our choir sang eight songs with John as accompanist in between his...

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