Our June Concert, held at the Federation Square in Ringwood, was a great success. The program was titled This is the Time for Music and included a number of new pieces , such as Esta es el Tiempo and A Million Dreams, To the Hills and the Vales. Once again we had our guests artists: Stephen Coutts, our vocal scholar, again sang magnificently with the songs, My Way and My Yearning, My Obsession from the Opera, The Dead City by Eric Krongold. We also had guest artists: Lisa Cook ( viola), Olivia and Charlotte Neish (violins), Jenny Mathers (clarinet) and John Atwell and Patrice Marshall (pianists). John Atwell also gave us his wonderful solo piano performances of Memory ( Cats) and Gypsy Tango. Nadia Magliardi and Stephen Coutts also sang solo parts in the song, A Million Dreams. A wonderful attendance with a full house.
June 25 Concert Federation Estate Ringwood